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    Main Clinic – Oswestry

    The Fort Business Centre, Artillery Business Park,
    Park Hall, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 4AD


    Sister Kate’s main clinic is situated within The Fort Business Centre on Artillery Business Park, Park Hall, Oswestry, SY11 4AD

    Once you exit the Whittington Roundabout towards Whittington, please take the first left and Artillery Business Park is on the left hand side. The Fort Business Centre is at the top of the drive, on the left hand side. It’s the big brick building – please come in to Reception there and take a seat.

    Our other locations include:

    Shrewsbury  Clinic 

    The Annexe
    Sitka Drive
    Shrewsbury Business Park
    SY2 6LG

    Aberystwyth Clinic 

    20 Chalybeate Street,
    SY23 1HX

    Wem  Clinic 

    Sarah’s Beauty Rooms,
    6A High Street,
    SY4 5AA