Micro Suction

Micro suction is the most modern, advanced, safest, and pain-free form of ear wax removal.

Our micro suction procedure is carried out with a high-grade surgical microscope to illuminate the ear and magnify the canal and ear drum, so that Sister Kate can observe each and every part of the outer ear in high definition.

We perform Micro suction safely and effectively using a low-pressure suction ENT device which is hygienic, efficient and safe.

We do advise the use of oil/drops prior to an appointment

Ear Examination

Sister Kate also offers appointments for Ear examinations & assessments.

This involves a thorough check of the ears using a device called an otoscope.

The otoscope contains a light and a magnifying lens to enable close examination of the ear canal and eardrum.

An ear examination can be done to look for any issues that may be causing your symptoms.

For example, lumps or objects in the canal, discharge or a build up of ear wax.

Micro Suction for Children

Children, just like adults naturally produce ear wax.

A build up of this wax can cause pain & discomfort & on occasions dizziness & mild deafness.

The use of cotton buds & regularly using ear-buds or in-ear headphones can impact the wax further.

Micro suction is a much safer & more comfortable form of ear cleaning for children aged and is suitable for children aged 6 – 16 year old.